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St. Paul E-Democracy - Volunteer Jobs
(Last Updated - 1/11/02)

We need your help and support, to voluteer - contact: Tim Erickson, 651-643-0722.




Election 2003 Coordinator Open

Chair the committee responsible for organizing and managing 2003 election related activities in the St. Paul Issues Forum. Including e-mail candidate debates or interviews, special issues discussions, and Q&As.

This is a fairly big job, but also very interesting and rewarding.

Election 2003 Committee
(5-10 people)
Tim Erickson
Scott Milburn
Katie Cieslak
Michelle Kibiger

The committee responsible for organizing and managing 2003 election related activities in the St. Paul Issues Forum. Including e-mail candidate debates or interviews, special issues discussions, and Q&As.
News Committee Chair Open

Make sure that we have a full slate of news article volunteers.

Chair quarterly meetings of News Committee (optional).

News Committee Mon - Charlie Swope
Tues - Michelle Kibiger
Wed - Open
Thur - Open
Fri - Open

To scan local the local newspapers and post the URLs of articles that are relevant to our forums topics. Anything to do with St. Paul. We post only the URL and possibly a short quote from the article. We do not repost articles in their entirety to the forum.

Meet quarterly (optional).

Membership Coordinator Open Keep a file of list member introductions and post it to the list on a monthly basis.
Event Coordinator Open Schedule occasional social gatherings for list members in homes, coffee shops, or other public locations.
Community News Chair Open Encourage periodic reporting to the forum, from the various community councils in St. Paul.
Community News Contacts Listed By District:
#1) Philip Fuehrer
#2) Chuck Repke
#3) Gloria Bogen &
Elizabeth Dickinson

#5) Alex-Edmund S. DaHinten
#9) David Thune
#12) Sherman Eagles
#13-Lexington-Hamline) Jim Mogen
#13-Merriam Park) Rolf Nordstrom
#13-Snelling Hamline)
#14) Laura Gutmann
#15) Bill Poulos
#16) Katie Cieslak
Make a periodic report to the list about the most important issues or happenings in your community. This is not an "official" report from the community, just your own reflections on what is happening.
Here are some ideas for volunteer opportunities that could be created. If anyone is interested, please contact: Tim Erickson, 651-643-0722.
St. Paul Interviews If anyone is interested, it would be interesting to post regular interviews with various city officials or leaders of St. Paul community organizations. This could be an e-mail interview, in which we submit a list of 5-10 questions and ask the interviewee to respond via e-mail, limiting answers to 250 words or less, per question. This could be done weekly, monthly, or as the mood strikes (depending upon the level of interest).
Weekly Columnist How would you like to write a weekly opinion column for the St. Paul Issues Forum, it would have to be on St. Paul related issues and be kept to about 500 words or less. Its just an idea, let us know if your interested.
City Council
Beat Reporter
Post a weekly summary of what happened at the city council meeting.
School Board
Beat Reporter
Post a weekly summary of what happened at the school board meeting.