Minnesota E-Democracy

St. Paul E-Democracy Home St Paul LinksSt. Paul E-Democracy - 2003 Goals

Progress Towards Our Goal of $1000 in pledges by Friday January 17th, 2003.

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Last Updated - Thursday January 18th -- 8:30 pm

Thanks to These Contributors!


Any Ideas?


Roger Barr
Steve Boland
Pat Byrne
Anne Carroll
Steve Clift
William Connors
Ted Davis
Sherman Eagles
Tim Erickson
Mike Fratto
Diane Gerth
Tom Goldstein
Erik Hare
Michelle Kibiger
Julian Loscalzo
Barry Madore
John Mannillo
Christine Nelson
Greg Riedesel
Chuck Repke
Marge Romero
Charlie Swope
Mark Thieroff
Dave Thune
Ann Toftness
Jeanne Weigum

St Paul

Michelle Kibiger
Charlie Swope
Elizabeth Dickinson
Jim Mogen
Barry Madore

Fundraising Plans
(Last Updated - 1/11/02)

The St. Paul Issues Forum is embarking upon a fundraising campaign to raise $6000 to initiate a outreach campaign, that is intended to:

  • Increase the overall profile of the St. Paul Issues List.
  • Increase the level of participation by public officials and city staff.
  • Broaden the base of participation to include groups and viewpoints currently not represented in our forum.
  • Create recruitment materials that can be passed out at community meetings and in public offices.
  • Provide some training for city staff and community organizations on how to use the St. Paul Issues Forum and other internet discussions to communicate with citizens and improve community input in the making of public policy.

We plan to raise $1000 from list participants and an additional $5000 from local community organizations or foundations. To contribute, send an e-mail to Tim Erickson.


1) To plan and organize a half day conference/workshop on "Community Forums" in St. Paul. On the agenda at this conference would be:

  • using the St. Paul Issues Forum to its potential
  • creating smaller district council or special interest e-forums.
  • discussion about how public officials and local organizations can most effectively use or participate in e-forums.
  • how to use e-forums to implement action in city government.
  • how to engage under represented groups in e-forums.
  • and more......

2) To create a recruitment flyer for the St. Paul Issues Forum (easily modified for other communities), that includes: information on how to subscribe, a short list of relevant and useful web sites (ie - city of St. Paul, E-Democracy, etc.), tips on how to participate/manage e-mail, etc.

3) To systematically MEET WITH the Mayors office, city council aides, school district administration, and other elected officials and encourage greater participation in the St. Paul Issues Forum. Also, to encourage their participation in "Community Forums" conference.

4) To meet with individuals and organizations that represent new immigrants and other groups that are under represented in our forum. To provide them with recruitment materials, discuss ways of increasing their participation, and seek information on the issues that they think should be addressed in the forum. Also, to encourage their participation in "Community Forums" conference.

5) To contact all of the district councils and promote a greater level of participation by their staff and board members. To promote the forum as a tool for District Councils to use in communicating with each other and the public at large. Also, to encourage their participation in "Community Forums" conference.

6) To double the number of St. Paul Issues Forum subscribers to approximately 600 (currently at about 280).

BUDGET: Here is a rough outline of how the $6000 would be spent.

  • $ 900 (15%) Minnesota E-Democracy, Administrative Expenses
  • $ 4500 ($1500 per month - for three months) Contract with List Manager.
  • $ 600 Printing, photocopies, and workshop expenses