Question #2 REBUTTAL - Marea Himelgrin Since Congressman Grams has used the same cyberspace bite twice as a preface to the answers to the first two questions and I assume that he plans to use the same bite to preface his third answer, I feel compelled to respond. Mr. Grams asserts: >As a parent, homeowner and businessman, I have seen government at its best and at its worst. When we are free to raise our children, invest in our families futures and provide for our families, then government is doing its job. However, excessive government intrusion destroys this balance, weakening all three links.< The Congressman holds his family relations, property ownership, and social relation to production up as a model to us all of how to live and demands that we support a government that will continue to foster and not intrude on his relations with others. Revolutionaries of his class made quite different demands beginning in the late 1600s when they launched 300 years of war and revolution to establish the political supremacy of the bourgeoisie. Somewhere I hear an echo of a feudal lord lecturing an early proto-type of the Congressman on family values. The fact is that like the family values of feudalism, the family values of capitalism have become morally decayed and obstacles to the further humanization of our species. While many of us continue to seek warmth and affection in an increasingly brutal and unstable world in our family ties, thats not the kind of values the Congressmans class is talking about when they aggressively promote families first. Take Mr. Grams virulent opposition to the right of a woman to control her own body. Isnt that what you would call intrusive government? Intruding all the way inside my body? I stood outside the Robbinsdale clinic to help defend it from Operation Rescue last summer - and I challenge the other candidates to frankly state their position on Operation Rescue. Their responses will fit quite well under our next question which concerns crime.