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Frequently Asked Questions About the St. Paul School Board Election
Prepared by: Roger Barr, Support Our Schools

Some very fundamental and important questions have been raised about the position of school board member. Here are the questions and answers that I have garnered in research on the school board for Candidate College, the curriculum on school issues that Support Out Schools first developed in 1997 and updated in 1999, 2001 and 2003.

Are School Board members paid?

At last report, school board members received a stipend of $900 per month, or $10,800 per year.

Do they actually have offices?

School board members do not have their own individual offices within the district.

Do they keep any office hours in which frustrated or helpful parents, students, etc., can pay a visit?

To my knowledge board members do not have regular office hours where individuals can come and meet with them. Current board members following this forum may want to weigh in on this topic with how they make themselves available to the public. The best way to reach a board member is to call 767-8149. Mrs. Higgins, the Assistant Clerk/Secretary to the board is usually able to connect quickly to board members.

Do they have paid staff? Etc.

There is one paid position associated with the board. The assistant clerk/secretary of the board is a position paid by the district. The duties include scheduling, administrative work, support functions and research for individual board members. This is not an elective position.

How much time does a school board member put into the job, on average?

The amount of time a school board member spends "on the job" depends upon the individual, upon the time of year, and the duties that are at hand. It is difficult to estimate and "average" time. Again, board members following this forum may want to provide perspective on this point.

How often do they meet?

By law the board can meet on the first and third Tuesday's of the month. The board always meets at least once a month. Depending upon the need, the board meets twice, and can call special meetings as necessary. In addition to these meetings, The Committee of the Board-composed of all seven members, generally meets on Monday or Tuesdays, although not every week. Members of the St. Paul School Board also serve on boards and committees in the wider community.

All board meetings and board minutes are posted on the school district's web sight. To access this information, go to www.spps.org and click on Board of Education.

How big is the school board?

The school board is composed of seven members. Elections are held every two years, either for three seats or four, depending upon the year. This year, four positions are being contested on November 4. The eight candidates seeking election to the board this year are (in alphabetical order): Warren Anderson, Richard Broderick, Anne Carroll, Tom Conlon, Georgia Dietz, Brian Joyce, Kazoua Kong-Thao, and Al Oertwig. Carrol, Conlon and Oertwig are seeking reelection. One seat is "open" because the incumbent decided not to seek reelection. No matter who wins, at least one new board member will be elected this year.

How long is a school board term?

School board terms are four years. The next election will be in 2005, for the seats of John Brodrick, Toni Carter, and Elona Street Stewart.

Roger Barr
Support Our Schools

"We support public education in St. Paul and work for its improvement."

Support Our Schools, a non-profit organization that supports public education in St. Paul and works for its improvement. Contact the organization at 10 River Park Plaza, St. Paul, MN 55107,

651-603-8858 • http://www.supportourschools.info