Sierra Club Questionnaire
& Responses:
1) Urban development is an important issue to our members. What
role do you see for yourself as a central city council member to affect our
region’s growth patterns?
I understand and agree that
our region’s growth patterns are a most important issue for all of us. I believe our regions growth patterns will be
most directly affected by the Metropolitan Council, the Minnesota Legislature
and the availability or lack of federal funds.
I would work to build coalitions with all of these, stressing the common
grounds between first ring suburbs and the central city and the importance of
2) What urban design
principles will you support for riverfront development?
3) What will you do as City Council Member to reduce air toxic
concentrations in our city?
All of the steps that we can
take to limit or lower the use of motor vehicles powered by fossil fuels in the
city would be the most important steps toward reducing toxic concentrations in
the air. This would include working with
the Metropolitan Transit Company to maintain clean, safe and timely bus
service. The city could seek to use more
“hybrid” energy efficient vehicles in its own fleet. Ultimately light rail transit might make an
enormous contribution in this regard.
Bicycle and pedestrian walkways such as the
4) What will you do to maintain and improve our parks and
Work with the Park Board and
seek adequate funding for the parks and boulevards. Boulevard beautification programs such as
engaged in by the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood do a great deal to beautify a neighborhood.
5) With the increased commercial development
of our downtown what will you do to help solve the growing transportation
pressures into our city?
The transit measures
mentioned above in response to question 3 would I believe also be helpful in
easing the growing transportation pressures into our city. Staggered work hours and better coordination
of traffic signals and traffic patterns would help. Livable neighborhoods that
combine housing and amenities such as grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores
within walking distance make for an overall more livable city. We are witnessing a significant increase of
people now choosing to live downtown and avoid the “commute” altogether. With the housing developments along the river
we need to continue to look for creative ways to facilitate transit along the river. Increasing the linkages between affordable housing
and jobs on a region wide basis would help a great deal.
6) What
will you do to deal with the continued airport expansion and transportation
pressures related to increased airport traffic?
Hopefully the Hiawatha
7) Run off from impervious surfaces, roads, sidewalks, roofs
and lawn chemicals are impacting our lakes, rivers, and creeks. What will you
do to improve water quality in our city’s waterways?
I am advised that the storm
water in
A) Would you support a
citywide phosphorous fertilizer ban?
B) Would you support a storm
water treatment system?
C) Would you support building
additional holding ponds to protect our city lakes?
Yes. I
understand one possible model for doing this may be the “re-creation” of
wetlands around the south side of
8) What would you do to promote bicycle and pedestrian transit?
We can create more bikeways
and pedestrian transitways as mentioned above.
I am told by
9) Do
you believe central cities should accept a greater or lesser share of the Twin
Cities projected population growth?
I believe, with
10) What if anything will you do to promote city level campaign
finance reform?
There are lots of possible “tinkering”
reforms on limits and of contributions and disclosure of them which might
improve things somewhat. A more transparent
and collegial decision-making process at the city council, and less deference
to “ward privilege” might go a long way toward making it impossible for a
councilmember to “deliver” a project and hence less likely to invite the
possibility of corruption. But it seems
to me that we ought to be able to do public financing of campaigns on the city level
with reasonable caps on expenditures and thresholds on access to the funds.
That, I think, would lead to the clean politics we all deserve.
11) How will you use your position as City Council Member to
direct city procurement policies towards green products and buildings, such as
super high efficiency vehicles, passive solar construction, chlorine free
paper, recycled carpets and clean fuels?
Seek to see that these are
embodied in city purchasing policies.
12) What will you do as a City Council Member to help protect Camp
Coldwater Springs (Bureau of Mines Land) and the 27 acres of green space that
surrounds the area?
I would try hard to facilitate a settlement of
the pending dispute that protects Camp Coldwater Springs and the 27 acres of green
space that surrounds the area.
A) Would you oppose the Metropolitan Airports Commissions
efforts to build on the current land a parking facility or any other type of
development that would disturb the current green space?
B) Would you support turning the Bureau of Mines Land over to
the either the Department of Natural Resources, State Park System or