Annie Young
Vote Young for Parks Campaign
First elected in 1989
2601 Cedar Ave. S. #1 Mpls MN 55407 612-729-3359
Website: e-mail:
I am a Green Party member and I have been an endorsed Green in both 1997 and this year’s campaigns. I am also one of the top vote getters in the city my last two elections.
1.The Green Party of the US and the Mpls 5th Dist Green Party platforms state “We support the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people in housing, jobs, civil marriage and benefits, child custody and in all areas of life, the right to be treated equally with all other people.” Do you support and affirm this statement of our platforms?
2.Do you support domestic partnership benefits for all unmarried public employees who demonstrate an interdependent relationship with a domestic partner?
Although I support this concept I have a questions about “who demonstrate an interdependent relationship.” Specifically the words demonstrate and interdependent – I would need some criteria.
3.Do you support requiring contractors with our public entities of a certain size to provide domestic partnership benefits to their employees?
We have a very difficult time leveling out the playing field in our contracts with minority contractors and specifically people of color so I believe at this time it would very difficult to implement but am certainly willing to think about it and how it could be handled.
4.Do you support requiring contractors with our public entities to protect all their employees from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity by including such language in their nondiscrimination policies?
Again, I probably support the concepts but am having a hard time with implementation.
5.Do you support cessation of any preferential treatment or contractual agreements extended by our public entities to the Boy Scouts of America until they repeal their ban on the participation of glbt people?
Last year I did some work with United Way and was part of this debate. I personally never did and never will support the Boy Scouts for many reasons including glbt issues.
6.Do you support the expansion of health benefits for public employees to include gender identity/expression related health care expenses and therapy, including for those transitioning genders?
The cost of medical insurance is going up and up for even general care. And hardly anyone sees a doctor anymore except for special cases. I would need to know more about the related expenses and the challenges facing these individuals.
7.Do you support extending the preferences for veterans that our public entities control(hiring preferences, etc.) to those who demonstrate that they would qualify if they had not been dismissed due to their professed sexual orientation?
I need to be educated on this topic
8.Will you work to end the police practice of entrapment of gay & bisexual men? (this question city council and park board candidates)
Yes, I will continue the dialogue.
9.Do you support resources for sexual minority students, staff and parents in our public schools such as Out 4 Good in Minneapolis Public Schools? (school board candidates}
10.Do you oppose military recruitment and training in public schools?(school board candidates) N/A
3 essay questions(first ten are priority to be answered you can take your time with these two questions. We hope to post your answers to the essay questions to our website when it’s up.)
1.Glbt people come in all colors, races, and ethnicities. In light of this, how will you help our community to see color and celebrate it? What do you see as priorities concerning communities of color?
2.Glbt people come in all genders. In light of this, what will you do to help our community recognize gender diversity? How will you work to end sexism and assure a community that honors, respects, and enables the dreams of women, men, and transgendered people?
3.Glbt people are of all class backgrounds and incomes. How will you work to support all people’s access to dreams, housing, education, etc. in the office you are seeking?
I believe these three questions can be rolled into one. All people come in all colors, races and ethnicities sizes, genders, and classes. With 6 billion people on our planet and 3 million alone in the metropolitan area of Minneapolis I personally work hard to not be judgmental of people. I try not to use boxes and work hard at equality for all. I believe in hope and getting your dreams fulfilled. I believe in the Mother Earth and that she holds no prejudice or bias as to who enjoys her natural resources and life on this planet as we know it. The parks, tress, lakes and river don’t care about the –isms and they provide the beauty and serenity we each need in our lives.
I can only tell you that I am willing to learn more about these issues and how we can work towards favorable solutions for all concerned. I’d be honored to carry your endorsement.