1. Please tell us a
little about your past experience and how it might qualify you to be a Green
Party candidate for the office for which you are now seeking endorsement.
2. What do you hope to accomplish by running for this office?
3. What are the main three or four issues of your campaign,
and which, if elected, would you focus your efforts on when in office?
4. The Green Party is based on ten key values: nonviolence,
ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, social justice, decentralization,
community-based economics, feminism, respect for diversity, personal and global
responsibility and future focus (see page 4). Tell us how you will incorporate
each of these values in your positions during your campaign and if you are
elected. Are there any of these values you do not share? If so, which? Please
explain why.
5. How would your candidacy and, if elected, your service in
office, contribute to the growth of the Green Party of Minnesota?
6. Is there anything in the Green Party state platform with
which you disagree? If so, what?
7. Explain your positions on the following subjects, and be
as specific as possible:
- Election reform
- Affordable Housing
- Rent Control and
Tenants Rights
- Livable Wage
- Police/Community
Transportation/City Planning
- Environmental
- Airport Issues
- Crime
- Economic
- Civil Rights
8. If you discovered a significant budget surplus, what would
you advocate the City Council do with the money?
9. Are there any issues that are specific to your ward, and
if so, what is your position on these?
10. If you are endorsed, what, if any, expectations do you
have of the Minneapolis/5th District Green Party regarding your campaign, and
if elected, your service in office?