Minnesota E-Democracy 
Jesse Ventura     Rebuttal 6
Question 6:  
Tell us why you would make the best Governor for the State of
Minnesota.  What kind of "team" would you put together if elected?
Also, what is the worst idea you have heard one of your opponents in
this race support, and why?

In your rebuttal include a response to this question:  If you face an
endorsement or primary challenge, why would you be the best candidate
for your party?   In closing, please include information on how
interested readers can contact your campaign to volunteer and get more

VENTURA Rebuttal 6:

The responses to the "why I would be the 
best Governor" question speak for 
themselves. I have little to add or rebut. 

If I face an endorsement or primary 
challenge in the Reform Party, I would 
be the best Reform Party candidate 
because I am a strong and long-time 
Reform Party advocate, a well-known 
candidate, and I can win the election 
for Governor. 

I believe in the Reform Party's goal 
to be the party of the political center. 
I believe in the Reform Party's 
principles of Integrity, Dignity, 
Responsibility, Service, and 
Community. I believe in the Reform 
Party's grass-roots orientation and 
desire to be the voice of ordinary 
citizens who feel they have been 
shut out of the political process.

Minnesota's largest voting block 
is the political center. With the Reform 
Party's help and my active campaign, 
we can unite Minnesota's moderate 
middle and win the election.

I am looking forward to participating 
in the E-Democracy debate again 
after the primary. 

For information about my campaign, 
contact us at the address below 
check out my web site at:


Jesse Ventura For Governor
Volunteer Committee
7060 Valley Creek Plaza #115-101
Woodbury MN  55125
Office: (612) 585-0102
Fax:    (612) 585-0315

Minnesota E-Democracy  
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406  