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Question 1: Many alternatives to the existing education system have been proposed; including charter schools, vouchers and private sector involvement. Do you favor any of these approaches, or do you have specific proposals to strengthen the current system?
Remember, with technology comes progress! The MEA and the State of Minnesota need to look ahead to the day in the not so distant future when our children will be self taught on their self paced, interactive play/learning stations. My daughter, Kelly, taught herself to type in second grade! When her 3rd grade class started keyboarding she was doing 65 word/minute! Note: No state licensed teacher was necessary for her to learn and excel. In current dollars we are spending over $6,600 per student for 850,000 students in public education. Try that math without a calculator! Technology can and will save the state hundreds of millions of dollars educating our children. All we have to do is help develop the programs, standards, measurements and accountability. It seems to me that our democratic friends want to spend more money and create more programs and paperwork. It doesn't have to be that way Teachers and administrators might be a source to fill the worker shortage in our wonderful, growing state economy. Just some future food for thought. Don't get me wrong, I'm still for public education, it just doesn't have to look the way it has in the past. We will succeed as a society if we are willing to change and adapt. Prepared and Paid for by BORRELL FOR GOVERNOR, Mike Wanchena, Treas., 4859 US Hwy 12 SW, Wavelry, MN 55390
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406 612.729.4328 e-democracy@freenet.msp.mn.us |