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Question 2: Overall, Minnesota's economy is the
strongest it has been in years. On the agenda are issues such as
living wages, labor shortages,
welfare-to-work, and the changing economy in Greater
Minnesota. What do you feel the most pressing challenges will be?
How will you address them?
As Governor, I will invest in Minnesota's future. I envision a Minnesota where economic competitiveness is flexible and responsive to employers' and workers' needs. Our future must include enhanced workforce training that encourages regional cooperation between private businesses and Minnesota's high schools and post-secondary institutions. We must address barriers to economic competitiveness like the lack of affordable housing and accessible transportation. State government should serve as a catalyst and bridge builder, bringing different interests together. Government in partnership with the private sector must pay workers living wages and make available full-time jobs for people who want them. I will fight for basic dignity for working Minnesotans and their families. I will work for affordable and quality health care and child care. I will lead the charge to protect the right to organize in the workplace. I have defended and will continue to defend our public employees and teachers for their important public service. It is appalling that our current Governor, as well as others seeking this position, cannot bring themselves to do the same. I also envision sustainable economic development for Greater Minnesota that includes better and more affordable housing choices. I will support value-added production and processing as important mechanisms to creating good wages and jobs, and I will promote the marketing of locally grown products. We need to invest in our family farm system of agriculture and aggressively fight against the short-sighted promotion of factory or corporate farms. Access to transportation systems, such as good two-lane roads constructed for high volume traffic, are key to linking regional centers. I will work to ensure that communication and the marketing of goods and services will be enhanced in rural areas by increased access to the World Wide Web. As Governor, we can work together to build Minnesota's future.
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406 612.729.4328 e-democracy@freenet.msp.mn.us |