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Question 1: Many alternatives to the existing education system have been proposed; including charter schools, vouchers and private sector involvement. Do you favor any of these approaches, or do you have specific proposals to strengthen the current system?
Dick Borrell would support: Returning authority to parents and local communities. Alternative educational settings for disruptive and troublesome students. Teacher's rights to teach only children who they want in their classrooms. A lawsuit veil so schools and teachers can discipline, maintain order and safety. Charter schools and tax credits (which are the current law). Competition between all forms of education. Parents' rights to home school their children. Dick Borrell would oppose: Goals 2000 curriculum and any other derivative of the "diversity rule". Teacher's time spent indoctrinating, not teaching. Requiring teachers to perform medication services, as a condition of employment. As a former public school teacher in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin I support public schools. But the question is should we use tax dollars to support private schools? Article XIII Section 2 of our State Constitution, reads as follows, "In no case shall any public money or property be appropriated or used for the support of schools wherein the distinctive doctrines, creeds or tenets of any particular Christian or other religious sect are promulgated or taught." The constitution says "In no case". If we want vouchers, then we must amend our State Constitution. We are now spending over $6,600 per student on our public education. What we taxpayers want to know is why is it that private schools do an equal or better job educating children for about half that amount? How are we tying the hands of our public school teachers so that they are less effective? I say that if we are to save our public schools we need to return to teaching our students how to think, not what to think! I have much more to share about education but I'm respecting the 300 word limit. Prepared by BORRELL FOR GOVERNOR, Mike Wanchena, Treausrer 4859 US Hwy 12 SW, Waverly, MN 55390 (612) 658-4102 Fax (612) 658-4102
2718 East 24th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406 612.729.4328 e-democracy@freenet.msp.mn.us |