EDemocracy U.S.
Draft Mission 
and Goals

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Draft 1.2

E-Democracy Mission and Goals

E-Democracy is a non-partisan citizen-based non-profit organization.


Improving citizen participation in democracies and communities through the power of information and communication technologies and strategies.

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Through collaborative efforts led by active citizens from across the political spectrum, our goals are to:

  • Strengthen, expand, and diversify citizen engagement through effective and meaningful online discussions and two-way information exchange on public issues.

  • Increase the use and relevancy of democratic information resources that inform citizens about elections, governance, the media and public affairs and help us meet public challenges.

  • Build and sustain the unique citizen-based "E-Democracy" model, so active citizens anywhere can join us and work to improve the outcomes of citizen participation in governance and public life in their communities and nations.
Our mission will be pursued based on our core beliefs and our detailed goals and objectives. This mission was revised an updated after extensive in-person and online consultation in 2003.