Donate to E-Democracy.Org

E-Democracy.Org is your organization.
We are a non-profit (501c.3) and volunteer-based. Help us reach more
citizens by promoting effective online citizen participation.
Your donation will help us deepen
and expand our non-partisan online civic activities and help us share our
model around the world. It will allow us to involve more volunteers
and reach people of all political stripes and diverse backgrounds.
And we aren't just for Minnesota
anymore. Active citizens anywhere are invited to start local E-Democracy
Chapters and our U.S. election information portal is one of our most popular
Donate online, make a pledge via
our comment form
or simply write a check to "Minnesota E-Democracy" and mail it to E-Democracy.Org,
3211 East 44th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Contributions are
tax deductible.
Donor Levels
Donations to E-Democracy.Org
are tax-deductible.
E-Citizens - FREE
Basic participation in E-Democracy.Org
is free. We consider any subscriber to any of our e-mail forums or
a regular web site visitor to be an E-Democracy participant. We are
all e-citizens and no fee will ever be required to participate.
E-Supporter - $20 - $50
We encourage E-Citizens who believe
in our non-partisan, issue-neutral interactive mission to support our joint
efforts. We recommend a yearly donation of $50/25GBP or more based on
your ability to pay. Our student/senior/low-income recommended donation
level is $20/10GBP a year. No donation is required to participate nor does
donor status establish special privileges. You may designate a portion of your donation to a specific local forum/chapter.
E-Leader - $51 - $200
Help build the foundation of E-Democracy.
At this level you may
dedicate funds (over the E-Citizen
base of $25) to support the development of specific organizational initiatives.
E-Sponsor - $200 - $999
Individual donations providing core
support to the mission and future of E-Democracy.Org
E-Sponsor Hero - $1000+
Major individual donations deserving
special recognition.
E-Civic Organization - Under $1000
Those organizations providing monetary
or in-kind contributions to support the general activities of E-Democracy.
E-Civic Organization Sponsor -
$1000 - $9999
Those organizations providing substantial
monetary or in-kind support for development and special projects of E-Democracy.
E-Civic Organization Gold - $10,000+
Those organizations providing core
support for general and expanding activities of E-Democracy. Organizations
providing support at this level three years in a row will enter the E-Democracy
Hall of Fame.
The Minnesota E-Democracy Board
reserves the right to return or refuse a donation upon a formal statement
of cause or rationale.