Donate Today
Help E-Democracy.Org build the future of democracy today. Since 1994, we've delivered. With your support together we can do even better and reach more people and communities. Your donation will strengthen our volunteer-based, non-profit, non-partisan "local up" citizen engagement approach.
Your investment will further one of world's most cost-effective and sustainable
models promoting citizen engagement.
Together we will make information-age democracy work so people have a
voice "anywhere, any time" in efforts that strengthening their communities and improve democracy.
Want to know more before donating?
See our fact sheet, a list of recent accomplishments, or visit our project blog.
| Special Tips for UK, NZ, international donors
from supporters and participants around the world are essential to support our globally "local" efforts.
Donate via major credit cards internationally.
Donors outside the U.S. should select "Not USA" for "State" and use
"Postal Code" not the "Zip Code" field on the address page after you
first select your donation amount. For latest currency conversions, see this site.
Tax Deductible
As a registered 501.c3 non-profit, contributions are
tax deductible in the United States and potentially other countries
depending upon local tax laws and advice from your tax preparer.
Those wishing to make larger donations
in the United Kingdom or New Zealand may do so through local partners if they wish. Please contact us for more information.