Minnesota E-Democracy

E-Democracy has special expertise in designing, developing and facilitating online political discussions and online special events. If you are interested in future training opportunities, please contact us.  We have an exciting training program available on Issues Forums developed with the support of the UK government.

If you are interested in building an online voter guide read How to Make an Online Voter Guide from the California Voter Foundation. If you would like to build an effort like E-Democracy, the article Building Citizen-based Electronic Democracy Efforts contains a number of tips.

Below are a number of resources for those interested in building effective online spaces and events for political discourse. What we do is fairly rare, but universal lessons can be applied from many online discussions, except that issue-based political conflict is something we foster while many online facilitiation guides often suggest this is something to avoid.  Because we bring hetrogenous groups with political views from across the political spectrum our job is inherently more difficult than most.  So read up and prepare to give your fellow citizens a voice in their communities.

Online Facilitation Guides